Thursday, October 21, 2010

Bike Belleville - Sunday, October 24, 1-4pm

Attached is a flyer for the "Bike Belleville" event this Sunday from 1pm-4pm.  Since much of this event takes place within our area of responsibility for the "Adopt a Trail" program, please pay special attention when you run on the trail this evening and Saturday morning, picking up any trash that you see.
And here's a article on the event:


While Jacob Wainwright ran the first taxi service in Belleville in the late 1800s, he was drawn to other modes of transportation as well. So much so that he spent the enormous sum of $175 in 1895 for a newfangled "velocipede."

It was often called the "bone-shaker" in the United States for its rough ride, but it's better known to us today as the bicycle.

Wainwright became so fond of the bicycle that he ran a racing rink near his home on South 19th Street. Bicycles became the fastest way to get around town for many business people in the early 20th century, including messengers, cigar distributors and traveling seamstresses.

The Optimist Club of Belleville and the city's Parks and Recreation Department hope you'll leave your four-wheeler in the garage Sunday and hop on the two-wheeler or lace up your walking shoes for an afternoon of exploring local pedestrian trails.

The free Bike Belleville event from 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday begins at Optimist Park, West F and North Second streets, where riders and walkers can take the Richland Creek Greenway Trail either north to North End Park or south to South End Park and back. The course between the two parks runs 2 miles. Those who want more exercise can travel from North End Park on the MetroLink Bike Trail to Southwestern Illinois College.

Participants can stop at seven different parks along the way, and are encouraged to bring children and grandchildren. A police officer will talk about bike safety and volunteers will man intersections on the trails.

At those parks will be a variety of events: refreshments, music, entertainment and displays on fitness and nutrition. There will be attendance prizes and givaways, including helmets and two bicycles, one for a boy and one for a girl.

Bike Belleville

What: Bicyclists, walkers and skaters are encouraged to follow local trails that connect seven parks in Belleville. The free event includes activities, entertainment and refreshments.

When: 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday.

Where: Begins at Optimist Park, North F and West 2nd streets. Parking available at nearby Hough Park.

Co-chairmen: Judy Belleville and Charles Mayhew

Information: 234-7862 or 277-5731


Optimist Park -- Bicycle World/Helmets First; music by Phil Elmore's Mobile Music Machine.

Hough Park -- JoJo on the Go Fitness and Dance with music for children and adults. Meet Dora the Explorer. Refreshments will be available.

North End Park -- Fun Spot Skaters exhibition with music; YMCA bounce house; refreshments.

Southside Park -- BTHS Jump Stylists (bicycle stunts) with music; St. Elizabeth handouts on healthy food choices.

Read more:

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