Friday, February 25, 2011

Beginner's 5K Training and Speedwork

Beginner's 5K Training
The first training session for the Beginner's 5K Training is scheduled for March 1st at 6pm at the Belleville East track.
There is more information on the website at, including a flyer and the training schedule.

This is your chance to finally get your friend, family member, etc in to running! It would be great if everyone could try to get at least one person to show up to (and complete) this training!
Speedwork is back
In conjunction with the Beginner's 5K Training, speedwork is also starting back up on March 1st. Although we will have the track starting at 6pm, we would ask that you don't actually start your speedwork session until the beginner's training session is over. Your blazing speed can be a bit intimidating to someone just getting into running. However, please still show up at 6pm and run with the beginners. It can be a perfect warm up for your speedwork.

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