Friday, September 23, 2011

BRC - Rock 'n' Roll Half/Full Marathon training - Week 8 Long Run

Good afternoon everyone!
Tomorrow is our week eight long run. We will get started at the prescribed time below in the parking lot behind the Belleville St Louis Bread Company.
Half Marathoners – We will start at 8:00am and will be running 8 miles (the schedule says 7, but we'll make it 8 for simplicity). We will run 1 loop on our 5 mile route and then one loop on our 3 mile route. If you aren't familiar with the route, there are water fountains and restrooms on the course. We usually break for a couple of minutes at the end of the loop to get drinks of Gatorade, take a GU, etc.
Marathoners – We will start at 7:10am and will be running 15 miles (the schedule says 14, but we'll make it 15 for simplicity). We will run 3 loops on our 5 mile route. If you aren't familiar with the route, there are water fountains and restrooms on the course. We usually break for a couple of minutes at the end of the loop to get drinks of Gatorade, take a GU, etc.
Toby and Dan 

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